Over the past few weeks there have been a number of fires involving trash containers in our area. In some of these incidents fences and garages were ignited from the flames of the trash fire and property was damaged.
These incidents have been concerning to the residents of our area and have become a priority problem to the police as well.
On 19 October, 2010 in the early morning hours, 19th district officers were able to arrest the offender in a number of fires that were started in the early morning hours of 19 October. The investigation into the incidents of 19 October has resulted in a resident from the Roscoe Village area being charged with 4 felony counts of arson and 3 misdemeanor counts of criminal damage to property. He has been transported to Central Bond court where a judge will set his bond and assign a future court date.
Area detectives continue to investigate previous fire incidents in our area and evidence recovered from the arrestee may allow Police to add additional charges at a future date. Police are also in contact with the State’s Attorney’s Office of Community Justice in an attempt to ensure this case receives the special attention it deserves.
19th District Police will update our office further as the case progresses, but they are pleased to inform us that since this arrest there have been no further incidents of this type in our area.
For more information please contact:
Lt. John E. Willner
District 019 2452 W Belmont Ave. Chicago, Il. 60618 312 744 5574 Office 312 744 3103 Fax john.willner@chicagopolice.org